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BOOK CONCEPT - The Metamorphosis
Proposta de criação de um projeto completo de livro. O principal desafio foi a representação gráfica desta história sem recorrer às formas de barata. Proposal of a complete book project. The main challenge was to graphically represent this sttory without references to the cockroach forms.
LOGOTYPE | Tiago Sarmento
This is a custom lettering logotype, it was made for a musician from Brazil. The style of the letters war conceived to convey the artist'sboho folk style.
This project shows the development of a logotype for the theater company SURTO, and its first play MINHA MORTE (My Death). The work was all based on logotype, use of type, art direction and photography. The results you can check on the images.
LABEL | LOGOTYPE - Seiva da Mata
This job required the creation of all 4 illustrations for the different kinds of beer. They had selected a free font to use as their logo. I offered this solution of a custom lettering and it was well appreciated by the client. Seiva da Mata is an artisanal brewery based in Minas Gerais, Brazil, that seeks to give its beers the freshness of life close to nature, which is common to the country side of the state. In order to communicate this, images have been chosen that refer to the worker of the field and his quiet in moments of the day when contemplation is like a reward for his work.
36 DAYS OF TYPE - 2015
In 2015 as a part of the project 36 Days of Type, I decided to design each letter of the alphabet, all the 10 numbers and the ampersand in a lot of manners, so I could try different technics, ranging from the pure diital, to the mix of analogic items to add a special look to letters. Some of them use external elements to the letter, and some are very foccused in constructing a nice shape.
ILLUSTRATION | BumpSide Brasil
BumpSide Brasil is a group of Ford Trucks aficionados.  They gather in events to talk about this cars that many of them collect, restore or just love to be around. They have invited me to make two illustrations for their t-shirts, the following images show a bit of process and the results of digital illustrations portraying ford trucks and exclusive lettering as well as a representation of Mr. Clint Eastwood. For this job I used both vector and photoshop brushes. The final results are two artworks for t-shirts.
LOGOTYPE | Casa da Gelada
Casa da Gelada is a small neighborhood gocery store that specializes in alcooholic beverages delivery, its style comes mostly from what was given by the looks of the house itself. With the brick walls and rough wood doors, we thought it would be well represented by an old distilery look With that in mind I did some researching and sketching to create the custom type logo, and a few pieces we needed to get the business going. I also did the hand painted logos and number on the walls.
ALBUM COVER | Chora, Princesa!
O álbum “Chora, Princesa! – Um Painel do Choro Contemporâneo de Juiz de Fora” é, sobretudo, um documento que registra, entre 1997 e 2019, um pouco do que se tem feito de Choro na cidade. Para a capa e seus desdobramentos, buscamos usar elementos reconhecidos como parte da identidade de Juiz de Fora. A paleta de cores é uma adaptação das cores da bandeira, e a ilustração faz referência ao estilo predominante em suas construções históricas, o Art Decó, além de representar partes desses prédios e até as luminárias de uma das principais ruas do centro.
BRAND ID | Basic clothing Chico Rei
Chico Rei is a brazilian t-shirt company specialized in creative artwork segment. This project had as an objective to make their basic products an inside brand, for that, as a part of their in-house communication team at the time we created the texts, and concept based on bauhaus/clean design. Raw materials where photographed and used as visual elements, And then the graphics came in to play giving it some unity.
POSTER | Chicundum
Chicundum is a poster/magazine, made by the clothing online store Chico Rei. The content is varied, always created by different writers with fresh perspectives about life and the possibilities of this amazing world we live in. For this edition, that focused a lot on personal journeys, projects and traveling, I was invited to created a poster and the illustrations that go with the content. The quote in the poster says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, and the small letters are variations of it, as “A successful career starts with a single dream”.