Chico Rei's Basic Line of features plain tees with the quality and design concept traditional to the brand. They are pieces that go nicely in any occasion. Exclusive products for lined up subjects!
For the Chico Rei standard, quality is the result of an ongoing effort to deliver unique experiences. The Basic Line is no different: they are the best meshes in Brazil undergoing a rigorous verification process.

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BRAND ID | Chicoreizin
Logotype, a fontface derived from its forms and a brand visual identity system. Those were the deliverables in this project. It was made to represent a kid`s line for a t-shirts company (Chico Rei) as their work is all based on creativity and fun stories, the aim here was to take a little of this culture to the communication.
LOGOTYPE | Casa da Gelada
Casa da Gelada is a small neighborhood gocery store that specializes in alcooholic beverages delivery, its style comes mostly from what was given by the looks of the house itself. With the brick walls and rough wood doors, we thought it would be well represented by an old distilery look With that in mind I did some researching and sketching to create the custom type logo, and a few pieces we needed to get the business going. I also did the hand painted logos and number on the walls.
A FROM, para alguns, e FLOW, para outros, é uma empresa que tem o objetivo de resignificar o mercado de eventos no Brasil. Valorizamos a criação de sensações e as interações fluídas em todas as etapas do projeto, transformando pessoas a partir de novas e incríveis experiências. Trabalhamos com flexibilidade e complementaridade. Achamos sim que eventos tem que ser cool, diferentes e inusitados, mas acreditamos também em processos, métricas e resultados.
BOOK CONCEPT - The Metamorphosis
Proposta de criação de um projeto completo de livro. O principal desafio foi a representação gráfica desta história sem recorrer às formas de barata. Proposal of a complete book project. The main challenge was to graphically represent this sttory without references to the cockroach forms.
ALBUM COVER | Cartografias
Cartografias é o segundo álbum completo do instrumentista e músico Caetano Brasil. A inspiração para as composições vem cada uma de um lugar diferente no mundo e, a cada faixa, características dessas culturas se misturam com a essência do Choro brasileiro, e as referências do artista. Fui convidado para criar a capa e algumas peças de divulgação online para este lançamento. A solução visual tenta espelhar o que foi feito musicalmente no álbum, busca referências das culturas que inspiraram cada música do álbum, como cerejeiras japonesas, moedas ciganas e coqueiros nas praias caribenhas. Tudo isso se mistura com o rosto do artista em uma colagem manual. Alguns elementos isolados foram usados para peças de redes sociais.
36 DAYS OF TYPE - 2015
In 2015 as a part of the project 36 Days of Type, I decided to design each letter of the alphabet, all the 10 numbers and the ampersand in a lot of manners, so I could try different technics, ranging from the pure diital, to the mix of analogic items to add a special look to letters. Some of them use external elements to the letter, and some are very foccused in constructing a nice shape.
LETTERING | Ye are Gods
vector and scan lettering for the project Ye are Gods. It is the name of Frederico Rabelo's second season of tattoo works.
BRAND ID | Inpulse
INPULSE is a Pilates and physiotherapy studio, it uses an ecletic aproach, presenting other services as aesthetic treatment, auricle acupuncture, kinesiology tape and Global Posture Re-education. The Brand Identity was imagined to follow the owner`s flexibility on work techniques and personal impact made possible by Dani`s natural talent for it, and a small studio environment.
BRAND ID | Alinhavado no Papel